"I have a file on my computer which is named as install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe I can not delete this files. It throws an error while deleting. When I searched on the internet for this name, I got to know that this is a Trojan file. How to get rid of this file?"
Know more about install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe
Install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe is found as a malicious files since it contains Trojans like Trojan.W32.LoadMoney.A and compromise your computer gradually. You may get installed this threat through some possible ways. For instance, It is often attached on free downloads from unsafe sources and various spam emails/emails attachments. If you download free software or open a spam email without notice , your PC might be easy to be infected. Besides, clicking some malicious links/pop-ups or visit some compromised websites may also cause the infection of install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe.
Once infected, it will change your Windows registry and browser settings. That why you are often redirected to some suspicious websites. And you get various pop-ups and error when browsing online. Your computer performance will be degraded and some of your applications are freeze up or crashed. In addition, it may get installed more other threats including malware, spyware and Trojans on your computer, which are able to cause further damages. What’s worse, it may help cyber hackers access your PC and steal your confidential information for illegal purposes. Thus, you are highly recommended to take action to get rid of install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe from your computer immediately.
Need online help with removing install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe?

Methods for removing install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe
>>Method one: Manually remove install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe.
>>Method two: Remove install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe Permanently with Spyhunter Antispyware.
Manual Steps:
Step 1. End up the running processes of install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe in Windows Task Manager.
1). Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc together to open Windows Task Manager.

2). Find malicious processes and click on End Process.

Step 2: Show hidden files and folders.
1. Start screen >> Search Folder Options.

2. The Folder Options box pops up >> Check Show hidden files, folders, or drives >> Apply

Google Chrome:
1) Click on the "Tools" menu and select "Options".
2) Click the "Under the Bonnet" tab, locate the "Privacy" section and press the "Clear browsing data" button.
3) Select "Delete cookies and other site and plug-in data" and clean up all cookies from the list.
Mozilla Firefox:
1) Click on Tools->Options->select Privacy
2) Click "Remove individual cookies"
3) In the Cookies panel, click on "Show Cookies"
4) To remove a single cookie click on the entry in the list and click on the "Remove Cookie" button
5) To remove all cookies click on the "Remove All Cookies" button
Internet Explorer:
1) Open Internet explorer window
2) Click the "Tools" button
3) Point to "safety" and then select "delete browsing history"
4) Tick the "cookies" box and then click "delete".
Step 4. Switch to Registry Editor and delete all the files relevant to install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe.
1. Click on Win+ R key at the same time to open Run Commend Box.
2. Open Registry Editor by typing “regedit” in Runbox and clicking OK.

3. Glance through registry entries and find out all listed hazardous items. Right click on them and click Delete to remove.

Automatic Steps:
What can SpyHunter do for you?
1) Click here or the icon below to download SpyHunter automatically.

Step B. Run SpyHunter to block it
Run SpyHunter and click "Malware Scan" button to scan your computer, after detect this unwanted program, clean up relevant files and entries completely.

What can RegCure Pro do for you?
2. Double-click on the RegCure Pro program to open it, and then follow the instructions to install it.

3. After installation, RegCure Pro will begin to automatically scan your computer.

Warm tip:
After using these methods, your computer should be free of install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe. If you do not have much experience to remove it manually, it is suggested that you should download the most popular antivirus program SpyHunter to help you quickly and automatically remove all possible infections from your computer.
- Give your PC intuitive real-time protection..
- Detect, remove and block spyware, rootkits, adware, keyloggers, cookies, trojans, worms and other types of malware.
- Spyware HelpDesk generates free custom malware fixes specific to your PC.
- Allow you to restore backed up objects.
1) Click here or the icon below to download SpyHunter automatically.

Step B. Run SpyHunter to block it
Run SpyHunter and click "Malware Scan" button to scan your computer, after detect this unwanted program, clean up relevant files and entries completely.

Optional solution: use RegCure Pro to optimize your PC.
What can RegCure Pro do for you?
- Fix system errors.
- Remove malware.
- Improve startup.
- Defrag memory.
- Clean up your PC

2. Double-click on the RegCure Pro program to open it, and then follow the instructions to install it.

3. After installation, RegCure Pro will begin to automatically scan your computer.

Warm tip:
After using these methods, your computer should be free of install_flashplayer11_mssd_aih.exe. If you do not have much experience to remove it manually, it is suggested that you should download the most popular antivirus program SpyHunter to help you quickly and automatically remove all possible infections from your computer.