What is HDtubeV1.6V09.04? Is it safe?
HDtubeV1.6V09.04 is classified as an nasty and annoying adware which can be installed when you download some freeware and shareware from the Internet. Generally speaking, HDtubeV1.6V09.04 can infect all common browsers including Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, and Internet Explorer and display numerous ads on the browsers whenever you are browsing. And your online activities will be interrupted seriously. It is not safe to stay on your computer, you should take action to remove it as soon as possible.
Once installed, HDtubeV1.6V09.04 is not just annoyed you, but bring lots of problems to your computer. Firstly, it take up large memory and resource so that your computer perform greatly slow. You may spend more time to open a page. Besides, it can bring other malware or viruses to your computer without your permission. And seriously decrease the browsing experience instead of improving it. Moreover, it can put your privacy at risk. For example, it can collect your confidential information and send them to criminals for commercial profits. Thus, you should never keep HDtubeV1.6V09.04 on your computer once found it.
Possible distribution methods of HDtubeV1.6V09.04
- You may have click malicious links planted with the automatic installation of HDtubeV1.6V09.04.
- You may have opened email attachments bundled with HDtubeV1.6V09.04.
- You may have install some freeware from the internet without paying attention to the installation process.
- You may visit some unsafe website which may contain other unwanted program or even malware.
How to remove HDtubeV1.6V09.04 completely?
Solution one : Remove HDtubeV1.6V09.04 manually.
Solution two: Get rid of HDtubeV1.6V09.04 automatically by SpyHunter removal tool.
Solution one : Remove HDtubeV1.6V09.04 manually.
Step 1: Remove HDtubeV1.6V09.04 from control pannel.
For Windows XP: Start>>Control Panel>>Add or Remove Programs.
For Windows 7: Start>>Control Panel>>Programs and Features.
For Windows 8: Start>>Control Panel>>Uninstall a Program.
Choose your version and uninstall related programs.
For Windows XP: Start>>Control Panel>>Add or Remove Programs.
For Windows 7: Start>>Control Panel>>Programs and Features.
For Windows 8: Start>>Control Panel>>Uninstall a Program.
Choose your version and uninstall related programs.
Google Chrome:
Click the Chrome menu on the browser toolbar and select Settings:
a) Choose History option ->> choose Clear browsing data ->> after “Obliterate the following items from”, choose the beginning of time ->> select all options and then hit Clear browsing data;

Remove it from IE
- click on Tools and Internet Options
- click Advanced and Reset...
- In Reset Internet Explorer settings , select Delete personal settings check box, click Reset button
- restart your IE to check
Remove it from Mozilla Firefox
- Run Firefox
- Click Help and then Troubleshooting Information
- Click Reset Firefox button to reset your Firefox settings
Remove it from Google Chrome
- click Tools and Extensions
- remove all the unwanted or unfamiliar Extensions via clicking the Trash Can Icon
- go to Settings, Show Advanced Settings
- restore browser settings back to the original defaults and conform it.
Solution two: Get rid of HDtubeV1.6V09.04 automatically by SpyHunter removal tool.
(1) Firstly, please click on the icon below to download SpyHunter.

(2) Follow these instructions to install SpyHunter into your computer.

(3) After installation, you should click on " Malware Scan " button to scan your computer, after detect this unwanted program, clean up relevant files and entries completely.

(4) Restart your computer to apply all made changes.
Optional solution: use RegCure Pro to optimize your PC.

3. After installation, RegCure Pro will begin to automatically scan your computer.