Brief information about Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE
Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE is a kind of malicious Trojan virus which is able to open backdoor for remote hackers to do harmful things without any permission and awareness. It usually takes advantage of your system vulnerabilities to get into your computer to conduct a series of damaging activities to mess up your computer operating system and cause many other problems on your infected computer.
You may sense it through some of the traits below:
- It may allow hacker access by serving as a backdoor.
- It can modify a lot of crucial system files and settings.
- It is able to destroy the system firewall and antivirus program.
- It may spy on your online activities, track your traces and steal your confidential data and information.
- You computer will run slower and slow even cause your PC crash.
- It may bring other viruses or malware to your system.
Possible infected ways
There are several possibilities that you may get Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE: some spam emails and attachments, shareware or other bundled software, hacked websites, unknown links, or pop-ups, removable drive or other trojan horses etc. Therefore, you should be careful during your online activities. Once detected, you are suggested to remove Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE immediately before it cause further damages.
How to get rid of Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE completely?
According to the information above, may be you have already known about the Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE and how harmful and dangerous it is. Therefore, you should remove it from your computer immediately. There are two solutions that will help you to get rid of Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE.
Method one : Remove Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE manually.

Step 2: End all the processes related to Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE from the task manger
Press Windows+R together to launch up Run window>input taskmgr>click OK
search for the related processes or suspicious ones> right click and choose End Process

Step 3: Delete startup items of Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE virus. Press Win+ R, enter “msconfig” and click OK.

1. Start screen >> Search Folder Options.

2. The Folder Options box pops up >> Check Show hidden files, folders, or drives >> Apply

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run""= "%AppData%\.exe" HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run""= "%AppData%\.exe" HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Associations "LowRiskFileTypes"=".random”
Method two: Get rid of Backdoor:Win32/Zegost.DE automatically by SpyHunter removal tool.
(1) Firstly, please click on the icon below to download SpyHunter.

(2) Follow these instructions to install SpyHunter into your computer.

(3) After installation, you should click on " Malware Scan " button to scan your computer, after detect this unwanted program, clean up relevant files and entries completely.

(4) Restart your computer to apply all made changes.
Optional solution: use RegCure Pro to optimize your PC.

3. After installation, RegCure Pro will begin to automatically scan your computer.