Who wants to know about Afhelper1@gmail.com?
Afhelper1@gmail.com is deemed as a file-encrypting ransomware, like decode@india.com
. It targets at all versions of windows, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows7 and Windows included. Like Cryptolocker and kit, Afhelper1@gmail.com aims at encrypting files to threat victims for a ransom.

What happens after being infected with Afhelper1@gmail.com?
Once Afhelper1@gmail.com gets on your PC, it will store itself in the %Temp% folder as a ransom called executable. It will scan your computer automatically just after you log in the windows. Its targets are so obvious that it scans all drives for data files and encrypt them to make them no longer accessible. Any drive letters on your PC like mapped dirves, removal drives and mapped network shares will be infected. Any encrypted file has its file extension changed (!! to get password email ID 1073886119 to afhelper1@gmail.com !!). Then it requires you to pay for the ransom to decrypt your files.
Do you stand any chance to restore the files encrypted by Afhelper1@gmail.com?
Yes. You do stand a few chance to restore the files.
Antidote 1: Backups
To restore your data, the very first and best antidote is to restore them from a recent backup. You can use the backups to restore your data if the backups have been performing.
Antidote 2: Files Recovery software
It’s found that Afhelper1@gmail.com will make a copy of the files before it encrypt them. Of course, it ruins the original ones after finishing the encryption. You may stand a chance to use a file recovery software to recover some of your original files.
(Attention: the more you use your computer after the files are encrypted, the more difficult to recover the files via a file recovery software)
What should you do when you are infected with Afhelper1@gmail.com?
It’s no need to be panic when you discover your computer is attacked by Afhelper1@gmail.com. What you should do and very important is that you should scan your PC with an antivirus program. Unfortunately, most of the computer users have no awareness of the appearance of Afhelper1@gmail.com till the ransom screen displays and all your files are encrypted. You should keep this in mind: the antivirus scan, though, will at least detect and remove the infection out of your computer to stop it starting to scan when you log into Window.