Sunday, November 3, 2013

How to Remove FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Department Manully? -- Apple Mac OS X Ransomware Manual Removal

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Department Details

(Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus Details)
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Department (Apple FBI Cyber Department virus) is the latest version of FBI ransomware, which is skilled at taking the advantage of system vulnerabilities to invade into your computer without your permission. Its attacking target is browsers. That’s why all the victims find that their browser has been hijacked search engine has been replaced by something strange. Once infected, when you open your browser, you are directly redirected to the malicious domain: A full screen displays on your computer, claiming that “ All activities of this computer have been recorded. All your files are encrypted due to at least one of the reasons specified below.” and asking you Please enter MoneyPak code using pin pad below to unlock your PC. You are highly recommended to ignore the fraudulent alert. Reasons are that FBI Cyber Department disguises itself as a government department to blackmail you for money from $100 to $500. Don’t be fooled. When you try to exit it, oh shit, you are blocked and can’t exit no matter how many times you have tried. Since you are in such a situation, you are being shaken to pay for the fine. At this moment you need to remove it as soon as you can before any further damages. If can’t handle the manual removal and also need some help, you are welcome to contact 24/7 online Tee Support Computer Experts to get your computer fixed.

Where does Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus come from?

1)    Visiting compromised websites.
2)    Downloading freeware or software, such as streaming videos, pornography.
3)    Double clicking the spam emails attachment which contains Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus.

Since antivirus program didn’t work when it comes to Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus, manual removal is necessary for getting rid of Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus.

Efficient Removal Solution Details

Solution 1: Remove FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Departmen Manually

Step 1: Boot your infected computer into Safe Mode with Networking (Reboot your infected PC > keep pressing F8 key before Windows start-up screen shows>use the arrow keys to select “Safe Mode with Networking” and press Enter.) 

Step 2: Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus processes in the Windows Task Manager.


Step 3: Open the Registry Editor, search for and delete these Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus associated files listed below.

%AppData%[trojan name]toolbardtx.ini
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbarguid.dat
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbarlog.txt
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbarpreferences.dat
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbarstat.log
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbarstats.dat
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbaruninstallIE.dat
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbaruninstallStatIE.dat
%AppData%[trojan name]toolbarversion.xml

Step 4: Detect and remove these Registry Entries created by Apple FBI Cyber Department Virus:
(Click Start button> click "Run" > Input "regedit" into the Run box and click ok)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClasses[trojan name]IEHelper.DNSGuardCurVer
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\”Shell” = “[rnd].exe”
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClasses[trojan name]IEHelper.DNSGuard.1

Note: You need to be really prudent during the removal process since any inappropriate deleting can cause system crash.  Besides, you still have a better option: Spyhunter. The most powerful antivirus program Spyhunter can make the  FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Departmen removal a easily job. All you need to do is to watch it remove  FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Departmen automatically for you.

Solution 2: Remove FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Departmen automatically (with SpyHunter)

Step A. Download removal tool SpyHunter

1) Click here or the icon below to download SpyHunter automatically.

2) Follow the instructions to install SpyHunter
  spyhunter run

spyhunter setup

spyhunter setup

Step B. Run SpyHunter to block FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Departmen

Run SpyHunter and click "Malware Scan" button to scan your computer, after detect this unwanted program, clean up relevant files and entries completely.

 spyhunter3 scan

Step C. Restart your computer to take effect.

Friendly Tip:

Spyhunter is always your first choice to uninstall  FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Cyber Departmen . It is easy, simple and automatic. Additionally, it can prevent your computer from being attached by other sorts of malware like trojan, spyhunter and browser hijacker in the future. You can trust Spyhunter